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Taking Steps of Faith

5/1/24 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Dear Calvary Family,

    Thank you for listening to Rick Cavecche and me share about the Forward in Faith projects and vision last Sunday or for attending our Vision Night last week. We want to make sure you all hear and understand what our needs are as a church and how we want you to participate in this initiative.

    “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously,
    and he will give you everything you need.”  - Jesus in Matthew 6:33

    This passage represents our heart as we raise funds for Phase One to repair our Worship Center Heating and Air Conditioning and Phase Two to renovate our outdoor spaces, refresh the interior of our Worship Center and rename the Heritage Medical Building to the Calvary Hope Center. Let's live in dependence on God with His kingdom as our top priority and trust his promise to provide for our needs.

    First of all, take a step of faith and begin a process of prayer for how you would respond. I encourage you to create some intentional space in your schedule to talk to God, ask him how you should respond, and then spend some time listening. This could be some time alone just being silent before God after you have asked him this question. This could also be just taking a few days to let this question sit with you and the Lord. Then, come together and discuss this with your family members, spouse, or close friends. I’d be happy to process that with you as well. We truly want to be all-in, with 100% participation in this process of seeking the Lord.

    Secondly, you can check out the website at for the information and pictures in the presentation, descriptions and dates of other related events, and a Q&A with answers to frequently asked questions.

    Third, after prayer and discussion, we would ask you to make a commitment, either through the response card or online. We are asking you all to make a commitment by May 26 - the date of a special United Sunday with a Family Service at 10:00am which will include our Annual Meeting with a vote by church members to affirm Elder nominees and Phase Two of Forward in Faith. These commitments are to give a certain amount over the course of 2.5 years from June 2024 to December 2026.

    Finally, I want to reiterate that every gift is valued and needed, no matter how big or small. God is our great provider, both for us as individuals and for our church family. We all seek him, trust him, listen to him and then respond in great faith.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you,
    Eric Wakeling