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New Series this Sunday - "The Way of Jesus"

4/4/24 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Dear Calvary Family,

    We had such a wonderful celebration of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus this past weekend!! It was truly a deep joy to worship and remember alongside all of you. As always, the testimonies during baptisms are an inspiring highlight of the way God is working in our church family. I pray that you would all be encouraged by the beautiful promises of the resurrection that Peter highlights in 1 Peter 1:1-12. I’d encourage you to take some time to read that passage this week – meditating on it, praying through it, and allowing the love of God to pour over you through these words.

    We are starting a new series this Sunday called The Way of Jesus as we continue to walk through the Gospel of Luke together. We are able to learn so much from Jesus along the way as he travels for the last time to the pivotal city of Jerusalem where the Temple resides. In this series, we will explore how Jesus teaches through both his words and actions about how to love our enemies, how to pray, how to live as someone sent out by God, how to resist the devil, how to understand prophecy, and how to think about and handle money. We'll begin the series this Sunday at 9:00am with a message from Pastor Matt Doan on Luke 9:46-50 "How to Live a Great Life."  

    This Sunday we will also begin sharing about a new vision that God has placed on the hearts and minds of our church leadership to pursue in this next season. We need to repair some things that are broken, solve some long-standing problems, and improve our welcome and worship experience at the same time. Please join us even now in praying as we move Forward in Faith. Mark your calendars for an all-church Vision Night on Wednesday, April 24th at 7:00pm as we present the goals and projects in more detail, pray together seeking God’s guidance and provision, and connect with a time of dessert and conversation.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you,
    Eric Wakeling